Three Most Misunderstood Rules of Pickleball Headline

The Three Most Misunderstood Non-Volley Zone Pickleball Rules of 2022

Understanding Non-Volley Zone Pickleball Rules 

Now that Pickleball has exploded as an international sport, people are flooding Pickleball courts in record numbers. New players are eager to learn this instantly addicting game, while those playing for years are now sharing public Pickleball courts with more beginners than ever before. As the sport gains massive popularity, the need to revise the rules every year will be part of the natural maturing process of the sport. In some ways, this levels the playing field when understanding Pickleball rules, especially when a new game rule is introduced or an existing rule is revised.  

The most current official rulebook for Pickleball is published every year by The USA Pickleball association. The entire Pickleball rulebook is available as a downloadable PDF and quick-read summaries of the most recent changes. Despite easy access to the rules with a few clicks, questions on rules will continue to come up on and off the Pickleball courts. 

When a rule becomes a point of conversation (or heated disagreement!), you can show off your expert knowledge by becoming familiar with new rules and revisions as they are published each year. To help you you understand them and give you all the ammo you need to sight the most current Pickleball rule book with confidence...

Here is how you can understand the most commonly misunderstood 2022 non-volley zone rules of Pickleball 

When CAN You Step Into The Non-Volley Zone, NVZ (AKA, the kitchen)?

For simplicity's sake, let's start with when you can step into the NVZ. These rules are pretty straight forward.

The 2022 Pickleball rulebook states that you can step into the NZV anytime you are not hitting a volley. 

A volley is a ball hit out of the air before it bounces. 

According to the USA Pickleball rulebook:

"The act of volleying the ball includes the swing, the follow-through, and the momentum from the action." (Rule 9.B.1)

Here are the three common scenarios when you CAN enter the NVZ without a fault: 

  1. You can cross the NVZ before the ball bounces and hit the ball after it bounces. You do not need to wait until the ball bounced in the NVZ to enter. (9.F)
  2. You can cross the NVZ anytime you are not hitting the ball. (Rule 9.E)
  3. You can cross the NVZ if your partner is hitting/volleying the ball. (Rule 9.H) 

When Can You NOT Step Into The Non-Volley Zone?

The simple thing to remember here is you can not hit the ball out of the air while you are in or touching the NVZ. Yet, there are a few scenarios that commonly spark debate about what that may mean. 

Here are the three common scenarios when you CAN NOT enter the NVZ without a fault:

  1. If you enter the NVZ for any reason, you must exit the NVZ with both feet before hitting a volley. It also means it is a fault if you are in the NVZ, jumping to hit a volley and then landing outside the NVZ. (Rule 9.D)
  2. If you fall in the act of volleying and only your paddle touches the court in the NVZ, it is considered a fault. (Rule 9.B.2)
  3. If you hit a volley when standing outside of the NVZ, but your momentum carries you into the NVZ it is considered a fault. Where this rule becomes complicated is the timing because volleys back and forth can happen fast. Remember this: no matter what happens with the ball after a volley that carries a player into the NVZ, if the momentum carries them into the NVZ, it is the player's fault. (Rule 9.C) If you are volleying while standing outside of the NVZ, and your momentum results in you touching your partner who IS in the NVZ, this is also considered a fault. (Rule 9.C)
For example, Player A hits a volley and begins to fall into the NVZ, but fights it. In the meantime, the other team returns the volley, but the ball goes out. After the ball goes out, Player A can't fight it anymore and finally falls into the NZV due to the momentum. Even though the other team hit the ball out of bounds, the fault is with Player A because their momentum carried them into the NVZ. (Rule 9.C.1)

There you have it!

The NVZ no longer needs to be a point of confusion or heated debate on the Pickleball courts. Knowing these commonly misunderstood rules about the non-volley zone will help everyone play the game with confidence, whether you are a beginner or an expert. 

Remember, rules are revised yearly, so check back in 2023 when the 2023 USA Pickleball rulebook is published. 


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